209 похожих чатов

What’s the best time of the day to unstake please?

I tried setting the gas fee manually and it ate up £300 of ETH and still failed.

3 ответов

16 просмотров

Yes, because you didn't increase the g a s limit. If you bid lower on g a s price you need to increase the g a s limit by a minimum of 10% else the miners will just take your fee. It is good practice to do this always in times of network congestion (which is always in the last year anyway).

TATDaddy- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
Yes, because you didn't increase the g a s limit. ...

I’m seeing this for the first time, but thank you anyway 🙁

I’m seeing this for the first time, but thank you ...

I feel like a broken record sometimes and forget that still not everyone got the message. Anyway, g a s limit needs to be increased as the consumption estimation that is valid now may not be valid when the tx is approved. Increasing the g a s limit also doesn't affect the fee. It is just an allocation of resources.

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