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They are turned on, of course. Set at up to

10 ads per hour.

Is it possible to get BAT without actively browsing on Brave? Is that even morally permissible?

7 ответов

5 просмотров

you have to use brave for get ads

Vivraan- Автор вопроса
you have to use brave for get ads

Does this mean Brave detects user activity, or does it just look at internet activity?

You can get ads without being active on brave on android, you have to be active to get ads on desktop tho

AceLolzz ⟁ (won't DM you first)
You can get ads without being active on brave on a...

——————————————————————————————————————————————————.same here

Vivraan- Автор вопроса
AceLolzz ⟁ (won't DM you first)
You can get ads without being active on brave on a...

Yep, activated it the moment you said it! On desktop, does Brave need to have tabs loaded in memory which are not frozen?

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