209 похожих чатов

I have a stake that matured and I am keeping

it liquid. When pulsechain comes out, will I be able to sell them there and cut out the extortionist ETH gas fees?

8 ответов

16 просмотров

Will be an EHEX/Hex pair but you’ll have to bridge it over. So there’s no avoiding ETH fees on Erc-20s. But with Pulseswap the incentive to yieldfarm by doing so should definitely be worth the one time fee to wrap EHEX.

David Czajkowski
Will be an EHEX/Hex pair but you’ll have to bridge...

What you mean by “wrap eHEX”? Sell it for pHEX?

Martin Cvek
What you mean by “wrap eHEX”? Sell it for pHEX?

You can bridge your EHEX to Pulsechain (that wraps it) then you pair it with your free copy as liquidity. Which backs the value of the PRC-20….giving it more value. You’ll then receive Pulseswap tokens as a reward for doing so.

David Czajkowski
You can bridge your EHEX to Pulsechain (that wraps...

HEX's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest. Bitcoin's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was lowest. Ethereum's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest.

Tim-Donovan Автор вопроса

So that’s the question, when pulsechain launches, can I switch my liquid HEX over without a fee

Tim Donovan
So that’s the question, when pulsechain launches, ...

No you’ll still have to pay the fee to bridge. When you wrap EHEX to bridge it to Pulse. ETH blockchain still has to perform a function to lock those coins on ETH side to prevent double spends. So sell ppp

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