209 похожих чатов

Is there any chance staking can become a more decentralized

scenario so people in backwards countries can stake?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

Well, to begin with, we are launching "treasury" where people with any number of COTI can stake. That's the first step.. moving forward things might get more progressed.

Technically what is the treasury? If I were to stake my 30mn COTI, where is it stored?

txrx rx
Technically what is the treasury? If I were to sta...

Would like to know this also for my 100 million COTI

A-H2o Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
Well, to begin with, we are launching "treasury" w...

I'm American. So many tokens earning yield. COTI beast just sitting around😥

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