212 похожих чатов

Hi! We know that Reef has a mechanism for burning

transaction fee tokens. What is the lower limit of Reef supply for this mechanism to stop working? After all, in order to conduct a transaction, the commission will always exist, but burning cannot happen forever, because in the end there will be no tokens left to conduct transactions. Do I understand this correctly?

4 ответов

13 просмотров

That will never happen. That's where scalability comes into play

Papa 🔺
That will never happen. That's where scalability c...

If you can tell me a little more about it. How is scalability related to the process of burning commissions on the network?

The burning and fees will scale as the supply is reduced. Just as sats work on BTC

Papa 🔺
The burning and fees will scale as the supply is r...

But if the burning and fees will scale as the supply is reduced, then where will new Reef tokens come from in order to conduct transactions on the network if their supply is limited? I don't understand how this mechanism works...😅😅

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