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Hey everyone! It’s been exactly one week since we launched

IDEX v3. And what a crazy week it has been. 🤯

Overall, we’re extremely pleased with the launch but also strongly feel that this is just the beginning. In March, we set out to build the ultimate DEX experience and we’re confident that we’re off to a great start.

Our key focus now is pushing out bug fixes and adding features that did not make it into the IDEX v3 launch. Along with that, we are looking to add new markets and continue to drive an increase in TVL and volume.

Let’s dive into the first post-launch weekly update, shall we?

IDEX v3 First Week Metrics
- TVL: $32,400,000
- Volume: $63,900,000
- Total Trades: 245,000
- Unique Wallets: 20,000

Reliability and Uptime
- Main focus since launch has been on bug fixes and uptime reliability
- Added internal alerting for any exchange issues that pop up so that they can be resolved ASAP
- Added internal alerting for Polygon node health - this notifies the team immediately if our main node is not currently in sync with Polygon
- Designed an automated state recovery tool, currently being implemented. This tool will allow us to quickly reset balances and restore services in the event of asynchronicity
- Investigating fee wallet issues. The fee wallet sometimes has a balance discrepancy that is causing system hiccups

- Bug fixes galore! Thank you to everyone who has reported bugs!
- Setting up internationalization on the landing page for built-in translations

- Implemented bloxroute gateways, working to implement parallel gateway. This will allow us to process more transactions with lower confirmation times

Bug Bounty
- Went live a week ago - https://immunefi.com/bounty/idex/

- System implementation is complete, first payments go out today! (12/8/21)

- For some reason, a collection of wallets did not make it to the eligibility list for the First Trade Bonus promotion. Support is manually collecting wallets and adding them to the eligibility list
- Implementing payout system for trading rewards

- Minor improvements to the catcher. This generates candles and the market data, working on getting it more performant

P.S. If you haven’t heard, IDEX is now available for trading on Coinbase Pro, Huobi Global, and CoinEx. Added publicity from these listings is always great!

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