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Who is selling ARRR this cheap? I can't imagine anyone

that stupid. Even if you bought below 10 cent...or even mined it... Why sell now?

11 ответов

12 просмотров

For profit or to pay their bills 🤣

Ancient- Автор вопроса
For profit or to pay their bills 🤣

They would have taken profit already right? In the $5+ $10+ range... And I don't think there is enough bills to drive it this low. Even for the miners with high electric. I just don't understand.

They would have taken profit already right? In the...

Probably came back from holiday and saw arrr will go back to the few cents

Ancient- Автор вопроса
Probably came back from holiday and saw arrr will ...

I doubt it will go back under $1. Why do you think? But I can see why people are panic selling. They are afraid it will go lower. I don't respect it but I understand.

They would have taken profit already right? In the...

I personally have a lot of bills I could wipe out instantly if I sold but I'm not going to. Counter intuitive.

Ancient- Автор вопроса
Jeff Brown
I personally have a lot of bills I could wipe out ...

Yea for sure me too but I'm not taking away millions from my future self to do so. Kind of wish shit would hit the fan already and the deep state would just do what they are planning sooner rather than later.

Because there are better opportunities in the market to make money. Hodl mindset is silly when you can put the money to work in other places.

Like where?

Metaverse. P2E

Ancient- Автор вопроса
Because there are better opportunities in the mark...

You have a good point. But like what? Privacy coins are he best investment of this decade imo.

Christmas time everybodys off..

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