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What I still can’t understand is why David Yu post

is picture on Twitter : the one about IMX… he posts that to hype everyone and at the end, phase 2 is plans for xmas (so if the team say xsmas, maybe it’s gona be February or March) and phase 3 will start after.

So why posting that ? He wants to sell his bag , or that his friends sell their bag at a high price ?

It’s not an agressive message, but i just want to know why the team play with us with this kind of post on Twitter. Really unprofessional

3 ответов

15 просмотров

That ain’t fud, but a logical question to ask. Besides the ‘wanna sell high’ part.

Alextea45-V Автор вопроса

Entrepreneurs are often optimistic and exaggerate deadline. Its the type. I dont see more reason than that

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