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Does anyone have a helpful info graphic on High Throughput

and Fast Finality that compares Skale vs all other leading alternatives for NFT minting and storage?

6 ответов

6 просмотров

Stan talks about it here https://youtu.be/O4TmXSQ8Ggw

James Glasscock-| Reserve.org Автор вопроса
Marcos Hash - Truth Ventures Sanchez
Stan talks about it here https://youtu.be/O4TmXSQ8...

Would be so much easier to see in blog posts. Non linear content easier to skim and keyword search than linear video content.

James Glasscock-| Reserve.org Автор вопроса
James Glasscock | Reserve.org
Would be so much easier to see in blog posts. Non ...

Hey @MarcosHash256 ,what do you guys use to intrigue and onboard new b2b clients to the Skale value prop? it cant be "go watch this video."

James Glasscock | Reserve.org
Hey @MarcosHash256 ,what do you guys use to intrig...

Actually we’re pretty hands on, BD works directly with dapps and projects to understand their needs and the SKALE documentation site is quite robust. Developers don’t need videos of that sort generally, they want sample code and documentation. We also have a lot of solid relationships that allow us to connect devs together and private areas on discord if they’re accepted to the innovator program. https://docs.skale.network/docs/

James Glasscock-| Reserve.org Автор вопроса

meanwhile the "independent" blogosphere, twittersphere and youtube-sphere rarely if ever, mentions skale when discussing your competitors, innovation and projects with traction. sounds like you have a great and strong b2b sales team but i feel you are minimal in the public web3 community conversations. why is this important to me? a crypto business champion non-coder (me) should be able to evangelize to their peers (who are also toiling with scaling problems) some degree of technical differences between skale and its competitors. its also important because i am an investor and don't like seeing one of my favorites considerably left out of the "independent" blogosphere, twittersphere and youtube-sphere. sending this with love for your consideration. i know the team is working hard. and one guy's opinion (mine) is prob counter to other data you have. grain of salt.

James Glasscock | Reserve.org
meanwhile the "independent" blogosphere, twittersp...

well, you were talking specifically about B2B, which was interpreted as the dev market (since we’re really B2D). We have 8 very active social channels, we are mentioned in traditional media (I need to update links on our website, but for instance, this recently posted in Business Insider with Jack’s thoughts on Ethereum. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/ethereum-transaction-gas-fees-high-solana-avalanche-cardano-crypto-blockchain-2021-12 We speak at conferences regularly (read the announcement channel). More is coming with our reorg in marketing and additional hiring we’ll be posting momentarily. Refreshes across the board are on tap, including all new videos, but may take a hot minute with getting new hires up to speed and the holidays. Always open to feedback, never said we’re perfect, but we do take a slightly different approach than is typical for projects who focus on creating unsustainable increases which might make some happy, but isn’t beneficial to long term sustainability.

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