210 похожих чатов

!. Besides Trust Wallet, what are the other wallets/exchanges where

we can stake KAVA?
2. Can we do it directly from Trezor or Ledger via any of the interfaces?

4 ответов

13 просмотров

keplr wallet

Kracken is the most popular exchange for staking kava offering 20%, which is much less than doing it direct with a low commission validator where you get over 30% plus hard and SWP worth another 5% Keplr, cosmostation and trust wallet are your main wallet options

They can be claimed via the Cosmostation mobile wallet or in the kava web app. On Cosmostation they are all grouped together with any other SWP or hard rewards. On the web app the SWP rewards for kava staking are shown on the lend tab and the hard rewards for staking kava on the swap tab

Sir-Wolf Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
They can be claimed via the Cosmostation mobile wa...

OK thanks! Got it! I connected my Trust Wallet to the Kava Web App, and there was a small amount of unclaimed SWP and HARD. Cool, thanks again for enlightening me. BTW, where is this mentioned? (the SWP and HARD rewards for Kava staking)

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