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any measures to stop the acsendex hacker dumping on uniswap he has 1m usd in coti tokens mate quite an important thing to ignore above

any measures to stop the acsendex hacker dumping o...

Admin here wouldn’t say even if they were. Stuff like that is kept behind the scenes.

txrx rx
Admin here wouldn’t say even if they were. Stuff l...

Lol pretty stupid when a hacker has 1m usd in coti and the liquidity pool is only 1.6m

Ascendex exchange was hacked and the hacker has 3.1m erc20 coti , aka 1m usd which he can dump on uniswap whenever he pleases

Mr. Not In Use
1m aint enough to affect the market. Peanuts

More than half the uniswap liquidity 🤣🤣

More than half the uniswap liquidity 🤣🤣

Will dump it 40% but probably be ate up pretty quick anyway, maby it's a white hat attack as he hasn't really sold many alts yet

Will dump it 40% but probably be ate up pretty qui...

Could be to prove a point and steal it away from real hackers yes

Geordie R
Hmmm hard to know what to do eh

Cant do anything without forking or removing liquidity

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