210 похожих чатов

Hello, I've a technical issue: when i want to pay

back my DUSD, always en error code 0 ocurs: cannot payback this amount of loan for DUSD, either payback full or less than this amout. The latter i tried, but without succes. Is this a common problem?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

Would be interesting to see how many get rekt due to this bug

Martin-Ruesch Автор вопроса
Would be interesting to see how many get rekt due ...

or can at least not persue the full strategy they went to do so (as me)

Yes it is a known issue. Sometimes it works eventually if you try enough. Other advice is trying to pay back a smaller amount. What also sometimes works is taking out a tiny amount of additional loan and try to back more back afterwards.

Martin-Ruesch Автор вопроса

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