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Joel'S interview with Rion Gull on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cngzp5IQCNA

3 ответов

17 просмотров

Do you know what will happen if they make this denomination? Exchanges, merchants such as nowpayments.io, shops such as travala.com and bitrefill.com, will simply disable payments in DASH indefinitely to avoid problems, and will not rush to update their interfaces because DASH is not their number one priority and nobody will pay them to update their interfaces. DASH risks the loss of 70%-80% of the services currently supporting DASH. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Do you know what will happen if they make this den...

I agree but I'm still for a method of redenomination that wouldn't cause the issues you mention. If everyone who had 1 dash got 999 dash extra, nothing would change for exchanges. The value of dash would drop by 1000 but everyone would have 1000 times the dash they had at the beginning.

I agree but I'm still for a method of redenominati...

Exactly, I like the mint method because of this. It would also encourage people to take their Dash out of exchanges

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