Hi there! The DEVxDAO has received ~300 applications to build on Casper, the Hackathon was a huge success: https://t.me/casperofficialann/897 Check the list here: https://portal.devxdao.com/public-proposals/286 The team are also announcing new partnerships regularly. Here's a few to get you started: Amazon AWS Cloud: https://t.me/casperofficialann/865 IBM Partner Program https://t.me/casperofficialann/772 IPwe https://t.me/casperofficialann/562 Terra Virtua https://t.me/casperofficialann/720 WISeKey https://t.me/casperofficialann/713 Lead Ventures https://t.me/casperofficialann/728 Shyft https://t.me/casperofficialann/747 Quest https://t.me/casperofficialann/756 AMLsafe https://t.me/casperofficialann/778
is it too late to participate in the devxdao?
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