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Here is a list of people I would ASK you

fellow Hexicans to go to their channels and get their eyes on Hex. They have good followers who are ALREADY looking for Hex / Pulse / Crypto.

Please go to the following channels and watch one of their videos and engage the creators with comments that associate them(the content creator) with Hex. You might even ask - Do you think Hex will replace the dollar and federal reserve? That’s a big question to ask and provokes thoughts - instead of buy hex! Which just looks like a scam.

#1 - Alex Jones
#2 - Mike Maloney
#3 - Robert Kyosaki
#4 - George Gammon
#5 - London Real (2 million followers)
#6 - Rachel Blevins(RT America - Boom Bust)

Anyone have any insight on our Asian social media fiscal / crypto influencers? How do we get Richard in front of Justin Suns viewers? Are there any influencers that are in Singapore? Do we have anyone in here who can properly speak mandarin and explain Hex in mandarin? Anyone know anyone high up in CCP that wants to tell all the Chinese to buy hex?

Anyways - we need to knock through the gate keepers because unless you know exactly what to search for - you will not be able to find Hex or a good explanation of it - unless maybe you are a YouTube only person.

Lets get some eyes on Hex while its starting to pump

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