209 похожих чатов

Hey Guys, I really need some advice, I have some

ether in my wallet, and I'm confused what would be wiser thing to do : swap 'em for Hex now, or just hold 'em to buy Pls ? Thx

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Sac for pulseX

Mourad- Автор вопроса
Sac for pulseX

Thx man, when should the pulseX sacrifice began?

Thx man, when should the pulseX sacrifice began?

Before the new year. Follow here. PulseX.com, sac b4 End of Yr. PulseX.com (site not up yet). Shorter and better than pulseswap. Don't fall for the fake other sites or direct messages. Wait till you hear Richard Heart tell you personally on his YouTube channel and twitter. https://t.me/PulseXcom

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