209 похожих чатов

Fun Token is still dropping. How long will it go

down like this? Why is nothing being done to rectify this situation? This irresponsibility must end now. No growth for months. It's always falling.

8 ответов

9 просмотров

$FUN is a long term project, We cannot control the market, we can improve the $FUN ecosystem by developing new products, and this is what our team is doing. 🙏

Bedirhan- Автор вопроса
$FUN is a long term project, We cannot control the...

Every investor wants to see a good chart. Every investor wants to see their investments grow. $FUN gives us more confidence if we can see them. 🙏

Every investor wants to see a good chart. Every in...

I agree and we appreciate the support and feedback ❤️

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