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No gas fees for delegating from matic?

No gas fees for delegating from matic?

You can’t delegate on Polygon, only on Ethereum. However, gas fees are pretty low right now! 64 Gwei.

Derek Silva
You can’t delegate on Polygon, only on Ethereum. H...

lol so only 500 bucks to claim an NFT vs .012 cent on polygon.

Short Shark
lol so only 500 bucks to claim an NFT vs .012 cen...

Research is actively being done on moving the protocol to layer 2. See this forum post https://forum.thegraph.com/t/roadmap-to-l2-utilization/2695/4 Not sure what you mean by claiming NFTs though.

Research for moving the protocol to layer 2 is being done actively. You can look through the graph forums for information. Not sure what you mean by claiming NFTs though, thats not part of the graphprotocol afaik

Research for moving the protocol to layer 2 is bei...

it was a joke in ref to ETH GAS on main net being 64 GWEI and it still costing 500 bucks to claim nfts or move tokens.

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