210 похожих чатов

Hi guys. Where can we see the list of games

for which Solana will provide liquidity mining incentives? Or where can we montior that? @admin

7 ответов

17 просмотров

Check this out https://solana.com/ecosystem/explore?categories=game

frae- Автор вопроса

It doesn't answer my question dude. Asked which gaming projects will be funded by Solana...

frae- Автор вопроса

Dude I was asking Duc Nguyen about the twitter of his game, not the twitter of Solana lmao..........

Dude I was asking Duc Nguyen about the twitter of ...

Oh ok. Let me check . I haven’t any info about this. Hold on. I will get back to you soon

Dude I was asking Duc Nguyen about the twitter of ...

I tried to post the link to our twitter here but somehow the bot kept deleting it

frae- Автор вопроса

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