209 похожих чатов

The fees will be big and they need to pay

a lot of attention and earn capital. That’s why they delay it so much. It is like a giant and legal ponzi scheme. Same like banks. If everyone withdraws at the same time, the bank will be destroyed, they will not have to pay for everyone. Because the bank for every 1 dollar your deposit, they loan 10x you money to someone else. So if you deposit 1 million in a bank in a savings account. Someone else will take 10 million loan based off of your money. Imagine if all of these people later on want to withdraw their 10 million dollars at the same time. The bank will go bankrupt. Same with Veve. When you pay 1 dollar for 1 gems, veve doesn’t get 1 dollar in their reserve. They get less. So how are they supposed to give you back 1:1 when you cashout?

1 ответов

10 просмотров

i will be happy with 80% lol. Anyway its Xmas, hope everyone here has a good holiday and the team pls hurry the fk up with the MTL =) cant be bothered with Omi or IMX though.

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