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I have heard that zk starks may not scale because

the transactions may be four as long as snarks so essentially you are running into the same problem if orchard is implemented. Is someone over at z cash working on the speed problem?

6 ответов

13 просмотров

orchard sounds interesting

AngryAutos-Durden Автор вопроса
orchard sounds interesting

Do you have any inside baseball on it? Either way Arrr needs another big announcement. Lets get people excited again.

@CryptoForgecc @Kaks25 any thoughts on ZK Starks? I have been reading about them a bit the past few days. Not sure if actually better than snarks. If Halo 2 is implemented would that be zk snarks or starks?

AngryAutos-Durden Автор вопроса
@CryptoForgecc @Kaks25 any thoughts on ZK Starks?...

I could be wrong not any kind of expert but zk starks has an enormous computation size per proof so the weakness from my perspective could be in the sheer amount of miners they will need and could lead to lack network security as well as slower transaction times

AngryAutos-Durden Автор вопроса
Nate G
zk proofs?

Proofs as in proving transactions true.

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