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I have a question. I buy collectibles 50/50 with a

friend, and now I get a UR Mickey. If I sell it, for example, for 6k, can I send him 3k or they could Ban me? (6 days 500 gems)

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Hi, as I've understand your question correctly. You were asking if VeVe will ban you of sending 500 gems consecutively in 6 days?

Jordi (Never DM first)

I believe no, as long as no violations on terms and conditions Jordi. 🙏

Jordi (Never DM first)- Автор вопроса
Essa AmaZix
I believe no, as long as no violations on terms an...

No problem, I get the Mickey drop UR and we share our winnings 50/50

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