210 похожих чатов

Why does no one do their own research? If you

are interested in this project and you staked your DOT for two whole years.... Why have you not took the time to research the project. This lazy attitude of posting in here asking the same questions day in day out that you can easily find out from the website. Min effort a quick Google search will fill you in.......

5 ответов

11 просмотров

👍…would be great if people would fill the chat with useful information instead of asking silly questions over and over again…and again…when is GLMR listed, where can I buy?

Did not find any info on that before asking. Not in the documentation nor google. In fact i found people recommending this telegam channel for technical questions. I would recommend you guys have a better faq if this is an issue.

Rubén Franco Molina
Did not find any info on that before asking. Not i...

on December 17, the 3-phase process of launching the network began. https://moonbeam.network/networks/moonbeam/launch/ Around the mid of January, we will distribute 30% of rewards for Moonbeam crowdloan.

Happy Hodler- Автор вопроса
Rubén Franco Molina
Thanks a lot!

All the info is present on the website ☺️ I do alot of research before blindly investing two years of staked DOT. Technical questions are not "when is GLMR released"

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