210 похожих чатов

Any advantage for current staked positions vs joining v3 after

it launches?

3 ответов

10 просмотров

first thing comes to mind is for active pools joining now is a good idea as you earn rewards and trade fees. then with V3 phase 1 roll out, having your positions migrated with instant IL protection 🙂

Matt AmaZix
first thing comes to mind is for active pools join...

Rewards on most pools have ended and many people are stuck in there due to high gas fees. It would be good for the team to deploy V3 soonest so that don’t loose so much.

Rewards on most pools have ended and many people a...

the team are looking at gas fee reduction solutions, V3 phase 1 set to release early 2022. thanks for your feedback and support 🙏

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