209 похожих чатов

Do I need to have eth in the wallet when

the stake is about to end? or was it already payed when I did the initial stake contract?

5 ответов

10 просмотров

U need eth for the fees

Say hello to miners when they rob you. Hexicans.info/endstake

Victor S- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
Say hello to miners when they rob you. Hexicans.i...

thx was not sure if there is a new contract or it already was done at the initial contract.

Nenad [I won't dm you]
Say hello to miners when they rob you. Hexicans.i...

Actually, thank Vitalick for his EIP-1559 designed to enrich the developers by burning ETH at the expense of high costs for users and profit that used to go to miners. Since the London fork miners only get the standard 2 ETH block reward and the small priority fee. >90% of the gas fee paid by users is burned.

Lou | I Never DM Anyone!
Actually, thank Vitalick for his EIP-1559 designed...

Ain't that great. So instead of one party screwing users, now we have two of them screwing us.

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