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Hey guys, maybe you can help me out. I want to

understand some things.
I’m from the CODI community and we bought CODI tru SOL on IDO.

The p2pb2b exchange that should list did not and delayed for the second time.

Question 1
How hard is it to get listed in Raydium or another SOL DEX ?
Question 2
Can we see somewhere how mutch work is beeing done to the token CODI since they say are integrated in SOL

4 ответов

10 просмотров

Hello 👋 Any Projects can build on Solana but Solana doesn't offer any endorsement or investment advice. Do your own research! Thanks for the understanding ❤

GG-Classic 3.0 Автор вопроса
Mahib (Never PM for money and DM first)
Hello 👋 Any Projects can build on Solana but Sola...

Okay Tnx but can you tell me how hard it is to get listed on rayadium?

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