209 похожих чатов

I see a future reality where the bot users (supposed

‘cheaters’) become the new super wealthy… So is using bots actually the unspoken name of the game here? That’s the implicit message I’m getting… the only solution I see would be to change the drops to lottery, which gives the non-bot users at least actually some chance of getting drops.

5 ответов

12 просмотров
scraffy-laboo Автор вопроса

It’s not like everyone isn’t trying to get their hands on every single Veve NFT they can, so why favor bots and not make it as fair and random as possible for everyone?? Unless Ecomi wants people to leave Veve and go somewhere else for NFTs… 🙄

scraffy laboo
It’s not like everyone isn’t trying to get their h...

The system recognizes if the account uses bots, that is why there are still disabled accounts until now. The team is investigating thoroughly. 🥂🙏

scraffy-laboo Автор вопроса
Essa AmaZix
The system recognizes if the account uses bots, th...

How do you ensure that bot-users are not outsmarting the system and team, especially when, theoretically, bot-users have a lot more to gain from ill-gotten NFTs than what the team is earning?? Obviously, they are outsmarting, so far. Why not switch to a lottery system, where the team doesn’t have to work as hard hunting bots and everyone (except the bot user) is happy that the drops are fair??

scraffy laboo
How do you ensure that bot-users are not outsmarti...

Park your questions for the next AMA. Happy holidays! 🥂👍

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