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Happy New Year ECOMI fam Does staking OMI in VeVe

give more OMI as a common staking or not?

18 ответов

9 просмотров

No, staking OMI will be used in the MCP.

Тёма ⭕️- Автор вопроса
Cynthia AmaZix
No, staking OMI will be used in the MCP.

I understand that But usually token staking gives more tokens

Тёма ⭕️
I understand that But usually token staking gives...

As you already know, it will be used in MCP not for getting more tokens. Here's the article. https://t.co/6QGFY3PCQO

Тёма ⭕️- Автор вопроса
Cynthia AmaZix
As you already know, it will be used in MCP not fo...

The small amount of info regarding OMI in that link says very little, and says that it is only info relating to the MCP program. This suggests that there is a lot more planned for OMI not mentioned.

Cynthia AmaZix

Yo why did you delete Dan?

Cynthia AmaZix

This the way you treat your investors?

Samar AZ
Yo why did you delete Dan?

This is Ecomi community he can't repeatedly shill other projects.

Cynthia AmaZix
This is Ecomi community he can't repeatedly shill ...

How is having a profile picture of another coin shilling?

Samar AZ
He was replying to the guy. Can you read?

Lol, I asked him and he repeated the project. I'm sorry but there are community rules.

Samar AZ
How is having a profile picture of another coin sh...

Did you follow the conversation before I deleted it? You should before advocating

Cynthia AmaZix
Lol, I asked him and he repeated the project. I'm ...

So what? He is a whale in this project as well.

Samar AZ
So what? He is a whale in this project as well.

I appreciate you stopping by, but rules are rules. Have a great day.

Samar AZ
I think your the one who can't read.

I think you should pick another topic. You're right she's an admin and she made a decision that's final. If you dont like the system make your own channel.

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