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Can anyone tell me when the pulse sac start date


8 ответов

19 просмотров

It was over the summer

Towel-Hall Автор вопроса
It was over the summer

I’m trying to decide if I think the price of hex will go up in the next week or if I should sac a bit now. I don’t have a lot of hex but I wanna get in at the best point. What would you think?

Towel Hall
I’m trying to decide if I think the price of hex w...

I would just sac and get it over with, don’t want to misguide you. Who knows what price will do over the next 7 days

Towel-Hall Автор вопроса
Towel-Hall Автор вопроса
Towel Hall
Yup no way of knowing

I only got a hot 2k hex

Towel Hall
I only got a hot 2k hex

You’ll feel better getting it over with. Up to you

Towel-Hall Автор вопроса
You’ll feel better getting it over with. Up to you

Ya probably true I’m saving some to have it copy and hopfuly buy pulse with the phex and stake my left overs for 5 years

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