me an explanation about why it matters to me the T-share price? For example, if I stake 10 k hex for 5555 days, shows me that at the end of the period I will get an extra 20k hex plus my original amount... Then, what does affect it if the t-shares goes up after I staked my 10k ? Thank you !
its more expensive every day Tshare rate so it cost you actually like 200 HEX more today to get 1 Tshare than it was yesterday, today it pumped a lot. Use and to project the yield
Mariano (1) has increased reputation of Spanking good hex (57)
I didn’t exactly get your question, … but the link I sent is a must read for all hexicans .
Yes I understand, but what's the difference for me if 10k HEX buy half a t-share or a quarter of it, in both cases if I stake them for 5555 days (for example) I get an exact 200% reward.
Ok, thank you, just in case the question is "what's the difference for me if my 10k HEX buy half a t-share or a quarter of it, in both cases if I stake them for 5555 days (for example) I get an exact 200% reward."
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