209 похожих чатов

Or will it be marketplace type where people can sell

mec for mbox and vice versa?

7 ответов

8 просмотров

I assume Mec you can buy at mobox site will automatically show up in Chainz ? so why seperate market needed in the game

Mike-Quiaoit Автор вопроса
I assume Mec you can buy at mobox site will automa...

My box wallet is not the same as the wallet I bound for farming

Mike-Quiaoit Автор вопроса
I assume Mec you can buy at mobox site will automa...

Do rewards you get from the games automatically reflect in your metamask/trust wallet/etc..?

Mike-Quiaoit Автор вопроса
Adrii || Never DM You First
That's how it works

my initial question to fatboy was, is there going to be a liquidity pool for mbox/mec or will it be market type inside the chainz game?

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