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Should I stake HEX now in the ETH Network, deal

with the gas fees now and when ending the stake, just for the stake airdrop in PulseChain?
Or should I start a stake in PulseChain when launches, and avoid the ETH gas fees? Thanks!

36 ответов

8 просмотров

Buying now and leaving liquid is fine since you get the pulse copy of hex. wait for pulsechain unless you have a plan to stake for 5 years or more, or have a lot lot of hex

Don't believe you can stake Hex in pulsechain

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса
Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way
Buying now and leaving liquid is fine since you ge...

I plan to stake for 10 years. How much is a “lot lot of HEX”?

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса
Nina Belly
I plan to stake for 10 years. How much is a “lot l...

for a 10 year stake, I would start it now. Doing 1 tshare is a good amount and that is about 6800 hex.

Nina Belly

Nina Belly (0) has increased reputation of Hex_is_the_way (1304)

Nina Belly
I plan to stake for 10 years. How much is a “lot l...

if you want to do a short stake with 200,000 hex, it might be worth it. You can try to calculate at stakehex.today

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса


Nina-Belly Автор вопроса

Dumb Q’: In the calculator, what is the “number of stakes”? Should it be 1?

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса
Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way

Wow, then 10k for 10 years is over $14M?

Nina Belly
Wow, then 10k for 10 years is over $14M?

if you create a ladder, you would have hex staked in different years. Like a 7 year and a 10 year, and a 15 year

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса

Will go hex dot com can create a ladder automatically, or do I have to do it?

Nina Belly

Nina Belly (0) has increased reputation of Hex_is_the_way (1305)

Nina Belly

pick a day you will remember

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса

Thanks for all this! Love this HEX community, so happy to be part of it!

Don't believe you can stake Hex in pulsechain

I might be misunderstanding your comment but you can indeed stake hex on the pulse network. Maybe you're saying you cannot stake Eth Hex on the Pulsechain that is true. However you can stake the copy of pHex you get on both networks.

Rogue Herbalist
I might be misunderstanding your comment but you c...

Meaning Ehex staked on Etherum and Hex on Pulse on Pulsechain

Pulsechain is different to Hex so if you can you wouldn't have T Shares. If iam right you get validators. So it will be totally different.

Pulsechain is different to Hex so if you can you w...

Pulse is staked with validators, true. But Hex is done the same way as on Eth

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса
That's good so it will be the same code

Correct. You will connect your Hex on the Pulse network to Go.Hex.win and stake the same way

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса
Nina Belly
That’s what I meant! eHex and pHex

The same stakes you have ob Eth Hex will copy over on Pulse

Rogue Herbalist
Correct. You will connect your Hex on the Pulse n...

So I can end my current stake on this when pulsechain is working.

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса

Thanks all!!

Pay the gas it will be cheaper than paying the increase of the Tshare.

And you will make yield right away to offset your costs.

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