209 похожих чатов

Take a look to this thread guys... check that user

on the pictures: https://twitter.com/Gusluke/status/1479137938583740418?t=32iR809vmFdgqAnfbnFqwA&s=08

6 ответов

10 просмотров

The fact that he does it so openly too shows that Veve can’t handle all the bots and needs to change drop system

Gustavo 🇲🇰- Автор вопроса
scraffy laboo
The fact that he does it so openly too shows that ...

Yes, sometimes if you remain there for a lot of time, you will see many like this bot, it is so obvious, like just after the drop you got MANY comics and selling them for floor price? c'mon.....

VeVe earns money ser, VeVe doesn't care about you or your bot issues.. it's a fact.. hard truth. You're welcome

Gustavo 🇲🇰- Автор вопроса
VeVe earns money ser, VeVe doesn't care about you ...

mimimimi... I've been here since March, so not welcome at all but thanks

Gustavo 🇲🇰
mimimimi... I've been here since March, so not wel...

I've been here longer, so what's your point? Kretenu jedan

It’s annoying tbh

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