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Hi guys , I’m Kind of new and I was

looking at hex but see lot of people saying it is scam; any video or something from creator debating it?

6 ответов

9 просмотров

hex has made thousands of millionaires and several billionaires. It also is getting doubled onto pulsechain in a few months so the hex you buy now will get copied so you will have twice as much

Scam must mean the chart goes up and to the right. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FIVZympXEAIRLHh?format=png&name=small

One red flag about haters is that only say "HEX is a scam", but never explain how it is a scam, or use arguments that make BTC look like a scam. The latest argument I have seen is that since HEX does everything so much better than any other crypto it can only be a scam.

I saw one the other day. These haters sounded like school bullies acting like monkeys. And having as little knowledge as a goldfish about crypto.

No wonder there isn't many videos like it. As It would do my head in if I was Richard.

If you think its a scam just look at all the happy stakes while bitcoin and everything else is getting wrecked. This is the way!

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