209 похожих чатов

Can we sell our nfts on open sea 🌊? I

got some ultra rare nft i need to sell for a million. E.g first ever batman risso 🤝 @ me on reply pls

10 ответов

11 просмотров

With the move to immutable x you'll be able to trade some NFT's on other marketplaces including opensea.

Mehdi Raza
Aren't we are already moved to IMX

There’s still stage 3. Stage 1 and 2 are done.

Cynthia AmaZix
There’s still stage 3. Stage 1 and 2 are done.

But stage 3 is for OMI migration NFTs are already minted on IMX? am i wrong at some point?

Cynthia AmaZix
There’s still stage 3. Stage 1 and 2 are done.

Another thing about which iam very curious that does VeVe need any further permission from licensors to trade NFTs associated with them to any marketplace?

Mehdi Raza
But stage 3 is for OMI migration NFTs are already ...

Yes, reminting is done but there’s no update yet on transfers and selling on other platforms. https://t.me/ecomiANN/389

Bear Killer ⚔️
Eta on completion

We do not have exact dates to tell. You can ask this on the AMA https://t.me/ecomi/1008268

Mehdi Raza
Another thing about which iam very curious that do...

You’d be able to transfer and sell some nfts, I’m not sure if the permission was obtained as at the time of partnership or will be obtained in the future.

Cynthia AmaZix
You’d be able to transfer and sell some nfts, I’m ...

Ohh..thats what we call buy the rumor sell the news 😉 but such a great project need to expand the boundaries...things are not very much transparent dont blame me for spreading any FUD iam a die hard fan of project ..God bless Good luck to all buddies

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