212 похожих чатов

Gate io got reef/eth & reef/usdt both also reef20 native

token ? Please advise @brlub0

13 ответов

22 просмотра

You are choosing the Network when you withdraw. Please take a look at current withdraw options since i know Reef ERC20 wasnt available for a short peroid of time.

Oxy-James Автор вопроса

Means I buy reef/usdt from gate io can direct transfer to klever wallet for staking ?

Yes absolutely right!

Oxy-James Автор вопроса
Bene Richi
Yes absolutely right!

One more question , do you know how to check whether the token is reef20?

Oxy James
Means I buy reef/usdt from gate io can direct tran...

You can transfer reef (ERC20) to gate io or sell your reef in another exchanges, get USDT (TRC20 if possible) and send to gate to get 10% discount. Gate currently has no option to widthraw Reef Erc20.

Some exchanges check your wallet withdraw adress and will warn you when they detect a NOT supported network adress.

Reef on gate = REEF20 :). Don't paste the wrong network address there to test. I believe gate does not have the automatic recognization of blockchain when entering an address

Oxy-James Автор вопроса

Means it will burn if connect to the wrong add?

Reef on gate = REEF20 :). Don't paste the wrong ne...

Agree. Always, Always send a small amount first when you withdraw the first time.

Oxy-James Автор вопроса
Bene Richi
Some exchanges check your wallet withdraw adress a...

Y gate io price is lower than Binance for reef?

Oxy James
Means it will burn if connect to the wrong add?

That is uncertain. You need to send a small fund first

Oxy James
Means it will burn if connect to the wrong add?

It will start a journey in a black hole yes..

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