210 похожих чатов

Why does the price affect you so much? If you

are long term investors this should not worry you. The project is still very young, let time do it. For many you seem to be new to the crypto world to want a lambo after 2 months of HOLD.
If you want to do x10 in 2 days go buy dog tokens on BSC but don't come crying here. The team is working hard (go check the github) and they are not responsible for the price of CFX.
It's a long term investment so stop whining as soon as we lose 5%, as a reminder the price of ETH, SOL, MATIC, BTC ect at their beginning were also divided by more than 10 sometimes, look now. Free to sell or hold and believe in it but please stop whining

5 ответов

10 просмотров


lol.. ı am just saying some guys living on the clouds.. is that really worse than saying it goes to the 100$ please be open minded

I bought MATIC at 0.07, don't sell it at this time... 😂👌 Ppl who complain since few weeks want short term returns on investment, most of them don't understand technical side and don't even take time to read the whitepaper or tokenomic, it's like that.. 🤷🏻‍ U're right Bro, I don't take care on my side, lost a lot on other blockchains bc of that... 😉

yigithan Yiğithan
lol.. ı am just saying some guys living on the clo...

I dont look at price. Never do. I look at utilit yand interviews with the devs. Teh conflux network is basically a next-gen ETH network and with the programm that investros have to pay almost zero gas-fees will be huge

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