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The ability to call up the Ethereum contract and soon

the Pulse Chain contact and increase Gas/tips has yet to be explained how it benefits anyone except those who want to but their way into the next block. This is the serious issue I have with both projects. The miners and market manipulators are making a fortune while the smaller retail investors are getting hammered. Am I wrong? No one will address. Not even Richard. I have asked several times during stream. Nope blew right past my inquiry.

4 ответов

8 просмотров

the miners make the whole miracle of the blockchain possible, if you hate miners, don't use the blockchain. The devs set the rules for the fees and it is their code. Don't fault the people spending tens of thousands of dollars to secure your coins.

Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way
the miners make the whole miracle of the blockchai...


what do you call a fortune? Someone who spends $4000 on equipment and pays electricity everyday, make only a few dollars a day mining. Much of the fee is burned

Smart contracts ?

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