209 похожих чатов

Guys is the migration for the token planned for the

end of this month?

3 ответов

17 просмотров

It has started already. Phase 3 will be next. https://t.me/ecomi/1011706

Chazz-Naidu Автор вопроса
Essa AmaZix
It has started already. Phase 3 will be next. http...

Sry I meant you know like when the nfts were being moved over there was a page to show how much was minted and how much left over % wise. Will we get a page like that and when?

Chazz Naidu
Sry I meant you know like when the nfts were being...

We don’t know the modalities yet, it’s best to ask in the FAQ section @lourdessaBB linked earlier. It is scheduled to cater to questions about the migration.

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