210 похожих чатов

Wow thanks for the massage and explaining. I just want

to stake I have faith in kava my fav crypto. Any suggestion where to stake the best then?

3 ответов

17 просмотров

You can stake using a choice of wallets. Trust wallet, Keplr or cosmostation. You can see a list of validators in the link below. https://www.mintscan.io/kava/validators

I would tend to choose a validator with a commission of 4% or lower. To help with decentralisation I personally choice validators outside of the top 20, but there a lot of new validators whom I'm not familiar with some may be good but might be a couple with less reliable setups, so would tend to avoid thise outside of the top 70 with the exception of cros-nest who are a regular in this group, blocks United and smartnodes are also regulars here and very helpful. Other popular options include openstake, stakin, melea, sg-1, BlockNgine and WeStaking Some users like to choice validators who are active voters, this is also shown in the mintscan list

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