209 похожих чатов

Should I sell all my altcoins and just buy more

Hex? I mean are there ANY non-Hex altcoins that people here believe in? For example I have a soft spot for THETA as one of my early crypto wins. Some of them are no-brainers and going bye-bye today, but I do like the idea of diversification too. Any advice gladly accepted.

5 ответов

13 просмотров

U can consider diversify between eHex / pHex. The best performing asset in history. If u like multiple positions. May should get some Pulse at launch for massive/insane gains. The next leader Network on crypto if u not sac'ed yet. Mindblowing. Also consider PulseX. Superior DEX with amazing specs. All RH products/projects have an extreme potential so it's a nobrainer. U will be done in crypto. Store safe ur seed and chill for 2-3 yr. Not financial advice. Dyor.

Amazing-Chriskin Автор вопроса
U can consider diversify between eHex / pHex. The ...

So your answer is yes sell your damn shitcoins. 😆 thanks Wik


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