stake kava and 30% apy on kava staking?
You can't yet stake/delegate on the Kava Web App You need to do it in one of the supported Wallet apps Trust Wallet Cosmostation Keplr
when will it be possible on web app?
I'm not part of the team and haven't heard any dates To access the Kava App you would need to use one of the wallets, so is simple to do from within the wallet. You can also import seed words from wallet to another if necessary
In mine is shows 32.53% for SG-1 who have now recently started charging a small commission I'm on Android. I know it did previous display an incorrect value but thought it was fixed now, maybe check you have the latest version of trust Wallet Either way you will be getting over 30% not 20% which is an incorrect estimate/calculation
Updated tw and now it shows 0% apr lol
Alright, now it shows 33%, probably just a network error
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