209 похожих чатов

Just a quick question please. I understand the Provide partnership

allowed enterprise who do not want to deal with crypto to pay in fiat using their services. Since Unibright is no longer in partnership with Provide(or so I heard). How is this done?

How do clients pay in fiat now?

4 ответов

16 просмотров

There are alternatives. Provide Payments is not live yet anyway. Wait for more information on arrangements and specifics as we get towards launch

There are alternatives. Provide Payments is not li...

from the latest pinned message: "Also adjacent components like the Solidity development, or the easy Fiat > UBT > Baseledger gateway for enterprise clients, or different anchoring mechanisms from Baseledger to Ethereum, or frontends and Dapps for proxy-staking, or extended ERP integration and much more is currently developed by different parties and should all be ready for mainnet launch in Q1. "

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