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I have to figure out how to swap some plsx

for pls before the bridge opens, not sure how to do that. Is that done on the test net? Is there a tutorial anywhere on how to do that?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

You can do that once PulseChain is live, not on testnet, that‘s just for testing.

you go to pulsex.com connect wallet while using pulsechain network and swap like uniswap

Kaizoku王- Автор вопроса
Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way
you go to pulsex.com connect wallet while using pu...

richard just said we can swap plsx for pls, when it releases before there is a dollar price. So does that mean we can get on pulsechain when it releases, then what 2 days later they will have price values?

richard just said we can swap plsx for pls, when i...

as soon as mainnet people can add plsx and pls to liqu idity pool and the we can swap before bridge

richard just said we can swap plsx for pls, when i...

You won‘t be able to get in or out as long as the bridges aren‘t live (unless a cex wants to make a trading pair)

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