210 похожих чатов

Is gari going to be here after kcoin tokensale? some

said its going to be listed here too

13 ответов

9 просмотров

is there new tokensale there?

I am rick- Автор вопроса
Kingdigital Toby 🤴
is there new tokensale there?

there is then its going to be listed on kcoin and here on huobi too once the tokensale on kcoin is over

Kingdigital Toby 🤴
is there new tokensale there?

You can check the latest activity in the Help Center. https://www.huobi.com/support/en-us/list/360000031362

Kingdigital Toby 🤴
is there new tokensale there?

You can also search List to see newly launched coins here 😊

Kharris Wijaya
yes GARI sir

should check and join! ive been waiting for one

I am rick- Автор вопроса
Kingdigital Toby 🤴
should check and join! ive been waiting for one

okay sir, dont forget save the date at 18 januari

Kharris Wijaya
ofc sir

same Ill join cant miss it

Kingdigital Toby 🤴
same Ill join cant miss it

i join every campaign at huobi, i think the reward huobi is better than another exchange

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