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My brother has 5k, already sac’d $1k @ 10k rate.

Any suggestionson what to do with the other $4k? I’m thinking, $1k stake 5 yrs, $1k stake 10 yrs, $2k liquid HEX. What do you think?

10 ответов

3 просмотра

I recommend starting with the furthest out stakes 1st. Also, stake more and longer than you are comfortable. Your future self will thank you. How about staking that liquid today as well and just ape more fiat in before the fork.

Just relaying stuff I wish I had known back in August and even up to just last week! LOL

The Prairie Banana 🍌 van Dalen
Just relaying stuff I wish I had known back in Aug...

we all have regrets !! ...i have came across Hexicans that were day 1 then dumped on day 33

Nina-Belly Автор вопроса
The Prairie Banana 🍌 van Dalen
I recommend starting with the furthest out stakes ...

+ Thanks!!! He is 48, so maybe 15yrs is too long for him, not that he will be too old, just for him to enjoy earlier. 2k 10 yrs, 2k 5 yrs? I’ll try to convince him into buying more HEX before the fork.

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