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Has it been considered to change the way of buying

and NFT to a raffle system?

7 ответов

10 просмотров
El presidente- Автор вопроса

Can an admin please answer? I have gems in my wallet and can't buy any drop the first second because it is immediatly sold out...?

El presidente
Can an admin please answer? I have gems in my wall...

That’s the nature of drops. You can get it sometimes but not all the time. Editions are sometimes very limited

El presidente- Автор вопроса
Chase AmaZix
That’s the nature of drops. You can get it sometim...

I understand that, but I feel like the buying system is now dominated by bots. All NFT's come in hands of resellers and the people who really want a NFT can never buy a drop so have to buy for resell price

El presidente- Автор вопроса

Got it, thanks for the answer. Although I think changing the system to a raffle where you can apply for example 15 minuts and after that you either win or lose, but the power of Bots is deleted. Look how Nike does it with dropping exclusive shoes... Everyone has the same change on winnen or losing a pair of shoes

El presidente
Got it, thanks for the answer. Although I think ch...

Thanks mate for the suggestion. Will forward to the team

El presidente- Автор вопроса

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