209 похожих чатов

@The prairie banana I’m ready to start staking some of

the hex I’ve acquired over the past few days. Is there a definitive video I could watch to see someone go through the process?

7 ответов

13 просмотров

Yes...just a sec

It's pretty straight forward https://youtu.be/1xuHf9gUK5M

Have you watched my intro video? Great place to start - https://youtu.be/G2fRtz2VfR0

Install Metamask.io, go to Go.hex.com, connect it. Begin staking. In short be deliberate, stake 10-15yrs for max shares. Use a hardware wallet from the beginning if you can.

Amazing-Chriskin Автор вопроса
The Prairie Banana 🍌 van Dalen
It's pretty straight forward https://youtu.be/1xuH...

So the most important thing is to stake from a pristine secured hardware wallet?

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