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Is beamswap gonna be announced on pinned here asswel? Tommorow

launch of the lovely dex/yieldfarmer/faucet/bridge ❤️

7 ответов

14 просмотров

Moonbeam are permissionless and decentralized. Meaning that anyone can deploy whatever contracts onto the network. You should to dyor before using beamswap,thorus, lunar, dusty dune, stella swap and so on! you can see the list of projects that will be launched on Moonbeam, but there are also projects for Moonriver in this list. https://moonbeam.network/community/projects/

Moonbeam are permissionless and decentralized. Mea...

For new projects is there will be any private sales or ido

For new projects is there will be any private sale...

Unfortunately, I'm not sure. whether other projects will conduct public sales.

Beamswap is a scam


First of all they lied about be “powered” by moonbeam just to ride the hype. They say they are a moonbeam project but put most liq on BSC and only put liq on Beamswap when called out for it. They said first AMM on moonbeam which wasn’t true either. Their team has done nothing but lie from the beginning. Too many red flags means it’s probably a scam

First of all they lied about be “powered” by moonb...

It almost doesn't seem like you have any other interests in other DEXes on Moonbeam? Moonbeam is not a permissionless platform? Beamswap is a DEX, shouldn't it be the people who try the DEXs who choose the one they like the most? or do they need the approval of a few people? This is the world we want to build?

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