209 похожих чатов

Ok, I give up looking for an answer, so I

have to ask here. I swapped in ethhex.com, USDC to HEX, but the transaction was not completed, it shows “Approve USDC Spend Limit”. I go to etherscan to Revoke the transaction but it charges $24 gas fee. Anyone knows what’s happening? Thanks!

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Sounds like you Approved the USDC spend. This is required before the actual swap. This is how defi exchanges work. You need do the actual swap now (on ETHHEX.com, it should show SWAP instead of Approve)

Nina Belly

Nina Belly (0) has increased reputation of Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you] (346)

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